Setting Global Operation Permissions for a Workspace
Parent page: Working with a Managed Content Server
The server used to store your managed content facilitates the definition and management of global server operation permissions. Accessible by Server Administrators only, permissions across the spectrum of day-to-day global-level server operations can be set up for all server users in the one convenient location. So while Administrators continue to enjoy full permissions for all types of operation, they can now quickly configure permissions for collaborators, owners, specific roles, and specific users.
Permissions are defined and managed from within Altium NEXUS, using the Edit Operation Permissions dialog. Access to this dialog is made from the Data Management - Servers page of the Preferences dialog. For the active server whose permissions you wish to browse/modify, click the Properties control at the right-hand side, and choose the Operations command from the associated menu.
Setup global operating permissions for your managed content server through the Edit Operation Permissions dialog - accessed as part of your Altium NEXUS preferences.
Default Settings
Permissions for server operations can be assigned to the following entities (where applicable):
Administrators (itself a defined role).
Collaborator (this is a user who has edit rights for an Item/Revision).
Owner (for released data, this is the person who created the initial Item).
Specific user-defined Role.
Specific User.
Management of users, as well as defined Roles (groupings of users), is performed using the server's browser-based interface. This can be done from an external browser. For detailed information, see Managing Users.
The following are the default permission settings for the various server operations:
- Administrators
- Administrators, Collaborator, Librarians, Managers
- this area is broken down into the following sub-operations:
- Administrators
- Administrators
- Administrators
- this area is broken down into the following sub-operations:
- Administraors, Managers
- Administrators, Managers
- this area is broken down into the following sub-operations:
- Administrators
- Administrators
- Administrators
- this area is broken down into the following sub-operations, reflective of the various Item types that can be released:
- Administrators, Collaborator
- Administrators, Collaborator
- Administrators, Collaborator
- Administrators, Collaborator
- Administrators, Collaborator
- Administrators, Collaborator
- Administrators, Collaborator
- Administrators, Collaborator
- Administrators, Collaborator
- Administrators, Collaborator
- Administrators, Collaborator
- Administrators, Collaborator
- Administrators, Collaborator
- Administrators, Collaborator
- Administrators, Collaborator
- Administrators, Collaborator
- Administrators, Collaborator
- Administrators, Collaborator
- Administrators, Collaborator
- Administrators, Collaborator
Managing Operational Permissions
To add a new entity (assign permissions) for a particular server operation:
- Select the operation, in the left-hand region of the dialog.
- Click the Add button, and choose the required entity from the associated menu.
To remove an entity (remove permissions) for a particular server operation:
- Select the operation, in the left-hand region of the dialog.
- Select the entity, in the right-hand region of the dialog.
- Click the Remove button.
Example permissions defined for the operation involving release into a PCB Assembly Data Item.