Defining Publishing Destination Preferences for Altium Designer
Created: 4月 01, 2016 | Updated: 4月 11, 2017
| Applies to versions: 16.1, 17.0 and 17.1
現在、バージョン 17.0. をご覧頂いています。最新情報については、バージョン Defining Publishing Destination Preferences for Altium Designer の 21 をご覧ください。
The Data Management - Publishing Destinations page of the Preferences dialog.
As its name suggests, the Data Management – Publishing Destinations page of the Preferences dialog allow designers to set up publishing destinations, or storage spaces where data can be published.
The Data Management – Publishing Destinations page is part of the main Preferences dialog (DXP » Preferences) and is accessed by clicking the Publishing Destinations entry under the Data Management folder, in the left hand pane of the dialog.
- Publishing Destinations table - This table lists the name, type, and status of any existing Publishing Destinations. Double clicking on an entry will bring up the Edit Connections dialog for that publishing destination.
- Add Destination - Click to select one of the below options:
Amazon S3
- Select to open the Add Amazon S3 Publishing Destination dialog, which allows designers to enter information for their Amazon Web Services Account in order to set the account as a publishing
- Select to open the Add Publishing Destination dialog, which allows designers to enter information for an existing account for use with Altium Designer as a publishing destination.Folder
- Select to open the Add Folder Publishing Destination dialog, which allow designers to enter information for a new or existing root folder location to be used as a publishing destination.FTP
- Select to open the Add FTP Publishing Destination dialog, which allows designers to enter information for an FTP server to be used as a publishing destination.
- Edit Connection - Select a publishing destination from the table and click this button to edit information for that entry.
- Remove - Select an entry from the publishing destination table and click this button to remove that entry. Only one entry can be removed at a time.