PCB_Dlg-Form_ParametersEditorParameters (PCB) _AD
Created: 9月 30, 2016 | Updated: 6月 19, 2017
| Applies to version: 17.0
現在、バージョン 17.0. をご覧頂いています。最新情報については、バージョン PCB_Dlg-Form_ParametersEditor((Parameters (PCB) ))_AD の 17.1 をご覧ください。
The Parameters dialog, showing a PCB component's Parameters and their Values, as derived from the Schematic component.
The PCB editor Parameters dialog lists the User Parameters associated with the currently selected component.
In the PCB editor, open the Component properties dialog for a component (double-click on the component, or select Properties from its right-click context menu) then click the button at the bottom left of the dialog.