PCB_Dlg-ObjectClassNameDlgObject Class Name_AD
Created: 7月 28, 2015 | Updated: 6月 19, 2017
| Applies to versions: 15.1, 16.0, 16.1, 17.0 and 17.1
現在、バージョン 17.0. をご覧頂いています。最新情報については、バージョン PCB_Dlg-ObjectClassNameDlg((Object Class Name))_AD の 22 をご覧ください。
The Object Class Name dialog.
This dialog allows the designer to specify the name for a new Net Class that will be created from the currently selected Nets in the design workspace. The class, whose members will be the Nets that are selected, can be then viewed through the Object Class Explorer dialog.
With the required Nets selected in the workspace, the dialog is accessed and used from within the PCB Editor in the following ways:
- Choosing the Design » Netlist » Create NetClass from Selected Nets command, from the main menus.
- Right-clicking over a design object that is part of the selection and choosing the Net Actions » Create NetClass from Selected Nets command, from the context menu.
- Class Name - use this field to specify the required name for the new Net Class, changing from the default (Net Class 1) as required.