WorkspaceManager_Dlg-ManageNoERCFormNoERC Manager_AD
Created: 7月 28, 2015 | Updated: 6月 19, 2017
| Applies to versions: 15.1, 16.0, 16.1 and 17.0
現在、バージョン 17.0. をご覧頂いています。最新情報については、バージョン WorkspaceManager_Dlg-ManageNoERCForm((NoERC Manager))_AD の 17.1 をご覧ください。
The NoERC Manager dialog
This dialog allows the user to edit NoERC (Electrical Rules Check) directives for nets and buses.
The NoERC Manager dialog is accessed by clicking Tools » NoERC Manager from the schematic editor.
Nets and Buses
This is a list of all nets and buses in the project regardless of their NoERC directive. Click on an entry to select it and view the associated information on the right hand side of the dialog. If there is no ERC directive, appears in the No ERC column.
NoERC Directives on
- Violation Types - select to view the Violation Type to Suppress list. Click on an entry to select it then check/uncheck the NoERC checkbox to enable/suppress NoERC for the selected item.
- Connection Matrix - select to view the connection matrix and edit connection pairs to suppress for NoERC on selected Nets. Check/uncheck the boxes in the matrix to suppress/not suppress NoERC of connection pairs. The grid titles turn blue to highlight the currently selected connection pair.
- Property name - this region displays the information of the selected item.
- Active - enable (True) or disable (False) to signify if the NoERC directive is currently active.
- Number of Violation Types Suppressed - shows the number of suppressed violation types.
- Number of Connection Pairs Suppressed - shows the number of suppressed connection pairs.
- Location - shows the location of the item.
- Color - displays a box with the color and also lists the color number of the item.
- Symbol - displays the symbol of the item.
- Orientation - displays the orientation of the item.
- Document - displays the document where the item is located.
- Connection Matrix - select to edit connection pairs to suppress for NoERC on selected Nets.
Additional Controls
- Show only nets with NoERC - check to show only nets with NoERC. Other nets will be hidden.
- Generate ECO - click to open the Engineering Change Order dialog to apply the change of the NoERC settings to the schematic.