Applied Parameters: ObjectKind=FocusedProject|Kind=SCH|Revision=Latest|RevisionType=Commit
In conjunction with your connected Workspace, the software facilitates the notion of Project History. A dedicated Project History view provides a progressive timeline of major events relating to the project, including its creation, commits, releases, clones, and MCAD exchanges, alongside various other actions. When there are project documents saved locally but to the Workspace yet, the locally saved schematic data can be compared with those from a project commit or release.
This command can be accessed by right-clicking on a managed file in the Projects panel, then choosing the History & Version Control » Compare » Schematic to » Latest Commit command from the context menu.
This feature is only made available, provided the
Project History extension is installed as part of your Altium NEXUS installation. This extension is installed by default when installing the software, but in case of inadvertent uninstall, can be found back on the
Purchased tab of the
Extensions & Updates page (click on the current user control (e.g.

) at the top-right of the main application window, then choose
Extensions and Updates from the associated menu).
To access Project History directly in the Workspace browser interface, open a project from the
Projects Management page (
Projects) and select the
History option from the side menu.
After launching the command, the project's schematic data comparison with those from the latest project commit will start. Once complete, the results of the comparison are presented in the Compare view, which opens as a new tab in your default web browser.
For an in-depth breakdown of the ways this timeline can be used, visit the
Project History page.