Export Baseline

Now reading version 1.1. For the latest, read: Export Baseline for version 5

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This documentation page references Altium NEXUS/NEXUS Client (part of the deployed NEXUS solution), which has been discontinued. All your PCB design, data management and collaboration needs can now be delivered by Altium Designer and a connected Altium 365 Workspace. Check out the FAQs page for more information.

The Export Baseline dialog
The Export Baseline dialog


The Export Baseline dialog is used to create an IDX file (MCAD Baseline.idx). This file type is used for collaborating between ECAD and MCAD domains. Altium NEXUS facilitates this collaboration using the Mechanical CAD Collaboration extension, which is necessary to access this dialog.

For more information, see IDX Support.


The dialog is accessed by performing the following steps:

  1. From the PCB editor, click the Panels button at the lower-right of the workspace then select Mechanical CAD Collaboration or click View » Panels » Mechanical CAD Collaboration from the main menus.
  2. In the Mechanical CAD Collaboration panel, click the Export Baseline button.
The Mechanical CAD Collaboration extension (shown below) must be installed to access this dialog.

The extension can be found on the Purchased tab of the Extensions & Updates page (accessed by using the  drop-down at the top-right of the workspace then choosing Extensions and Updates).


  • Ignore Duplicate Pad Designators - enable to ignore pad designators that are duplicates when exporting.
  • Export Copper - enable to include copper in the export. 
Exporting copper makes the IDX files much bigger and slower to process on the MCAD side. In addition, the IDX technology does not support change detection for copper objects. 
  • Warning - click to open a text warning regarding exporting copper.
  • Export Tracks, Export Copper Regions, Export Vias, Export Pads, Export Internal Layers - enable the objects you want to export into the file.  Options that are not selected will not be included in the exported file. These options are accessible only when Export Copper is disabled (not checked).
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