Defining the Substacks for Your PCB in Standard Rigid-Flex Mode in Altium Designer
Created: 10月 10, 2023 | Updated: 10月 10, 2023
| Applies to versions: 23, 24 and 25
When the standard rigid-flex mode is selected in the Layer Stack Manager, the Substack Selector will appear in the display (as shown below), as well as buttons to add a new substack and delete the current substack.
The first step is to configure the layers required in the rigid-flex design.
Creating a new Flex substack:
- Configure the layers required across the entire rigid-flex board, and Name the stack in the Properties panel. Learn more about working in the Layer Stack Manager.
- Click the
button to add a new substack, as shown above.
- Check or clear the Checkbox for each layer so that only layers required in this flex substack are enabled.
- Enable the Is Flex checkbox and Name the substack in the Properties panel.
- To add additional layers, such as a Coverlay, right-click on the layer in the main editing window and select the required command from the context menu.
Enable/disable the layer checkboxes to configure the layers required in the flex substack, then add any additional layers needed in this substack.