This page details the improvements included in the initial release of Altium Designer 25, as well as those added in subsequent updates. Along with delivering a range of improvements that develop and mature the existing technologies, each update also incorporates a large number of fixes and enhancements across the software based on feedback raised by customers through the AltiumLive Community's BugCrunch system, helping you continue to create cutting-edge electronics technology.
When using a Standalone or Private Server license, you may need to reactivate/refresh that license to be able to access and use new features and functionality.
Alternatively, a license file (ALF) can be activated by a Group Administrator or License Administrator through the Company Dashboard . Switch out your current license for this newly-activated one.
It is advised to restart Altium Designer after reactivating/refreshing any licensing.
You can choose to continue with your current version, update your current version, or install Altium Designer 25 alongside your current version to access the latest features. Your current version can be updated from within the software in the Extensions and Updates view . If you prefer to install Altium Designer 25 alongside your current version, visit the Altium Downloads page to download the installer, then choose New installation on the Installation Mode page of the installer.
Free Trial!
If you like what you see but are not yet a customer, why not take Altium Designer for a test drive? By filling out a simple form, you can try Altium Designer for free with 15 days of access to the full software. That's right, you will have the ability to evaluate the full Altium Designer experience with no technical limitations with unfettered access to the world's finest PCB design product. Click the link below, fill out the form, and see for yourself why more engineers and designers choose Altium than any other product available!
Altium Designer Free Trial .
Altium Designer 25.3
Released: 17 February 2025 – Version 25.3.3 (build 18) HotFix
Release Notes for Altium Designer
PCB Design Improvements
Support for QR and Data Matrix Codes (Open Beta)
QR and Data Ma trix codes can now be generated and placed in a PCB design. To do this, select BarCode in the Font Type region of the Properties panel when a text object is selected, then choose QR Code or Data Matrix in the Type region.
❯ ❮
Javascript ID: PCB_QRCode_DataMatrix_AD25
An example of a Data Matrix code
Enter the overall width of the code in the Full Width field (available when By Full Width is selected as the Size Mode ), the size of the margin on the left and right edges in the Horizontal Margin field, and the size of the margin on the top and bottom edges in the Vertical Margin field. When By Pixel Width is selected as the Size Mode , you can also enter the pixel size in the Pixel Width field (this option helps ensure the image can be reproduced). Configure the text in the design space by using the Font Name drop-down and the Show Text option (enable or disable). When the Inverted option is enabled, the code is inverted, and a border is added on all four sides. Special strings are also supported.
Note that a standard barcode is now a Linear subtype of the BarCode font type.
For more information, refer to the Including Barcode & Logos page.
Support for Mid-layer Components in ODB++ v8.1 Outputs
Export of board data to ODB++ v8.1 format now includes components that have been placed on a mid layer. This is provided by adding the placement layer attribute to component layer data in exported ODB++ files.
❯ ❮
Javascript ID: ODB_InternalLayerComponents_AD25_3
Some components are placed on a mid layer of a PCB.
When this PCB is exported to the ODB++ v8.1 format, these components are presented in the exported data, with the corresponding placement layer attribute.
For more information, refer to the Preparing Fabrication Data page.
PCB CoDesign Improvements
Ability to Select Multiple Entries in PCB CoDesign Panel
To review changes more efficiently when using the PCB CoDesign functionality, it is now possible to select not only individual modification and conflict entries within the PCB CoDesign panel but also multiple entries within the same or different categories. Use Shift+Click
and/or Ctrl+Click
techniques to select entries and highlight them in the PCB editor design space.
❯ ❮
Javascript ID: PCBCoDesign_MultipleEntriesSelection_AD25_3
All modification entries in the Components category and some modification entries in the Copper category have been selected.
A conflict entry in the Polygon Pours category and all conflict entries in the Copper category have been selected.
For more information, refer to the PCB CoDesign page.
Constraint Manager Improvement
Highlighting Invalid Width Constraints
Width constraints of nets and net classes are now validated in the top grid of the Constraint Manager's Physical view and are highlighted using red text if values are found to be invalid (for example, if the constraint's Min Width is greater than the Preferred Width ).
For more information, refer to the Defining Design Requirements Using the Constraint Manager page.
Harness Design Improvements
Ability to Select Default Sheet Size for Wiring Diagrams and Layout Drawings
In this release, a new General page has been added to the Harness Design category of the Preferences dialog. As part of the settings provided by this page, you can specify the Default Blank Sheet Size that will be applied to a newly created wiring diagram or layout drawing document. If required, the sheet size can then be changed at the local document level using the Page Options settings of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the document.
For more information, refer to the Harness Design Preferences page.
Standardize Units in Harness Documents
Desired units for use with element lengths can be specified in the wiring diagram (*.WirDoc
) and layout drawing (*.LdrDoc
). Supported units (mm, cm, m, in, ft) can be specified at both the preferences and document level.
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Javascript ID: Harness_LengthUnits_AD25_3
Use the new Harness Design – General page of the Preferences dialog to specify the default Length Units of newly created wiring diagram and layout drawing documents.
Use the Properties panel when no object is selected in a wiring diagram document to specify the Length Units for this document. Strip Length and Pull Off Length values of socket cavities will be displayed using the selected units.
Use the Properties panel when no object is selected in a layout drawing document to specify the Length Units for this document. Bundle Length and bundle object Length Value and Offset Length values will be displayed using the selected units.
The list of units for use in a harness manufacturing drawing (*.HarDwf
) have also been standardized. Supported units are the same as above (with the addition of mils). In addition, Length Units can be specified for a BOM table, wiring list, and connection table (overriding units specified at the document level).
❯ ❮
Javascript ID: Harness_MD_LengthUnits_AD25_3
Use the Properties panel when no object is selected in a manufacturing drawing document to specify the default units for this document.
Use the Properties panel when a BOM table is selected to specify the Length Units used for length values in this table, as well as their Value Precision .
Use the Properties panel when a wiring list is selected to specify the Length Units used for length values in this table, as well as their Value Precision .
Use the Properties panel when a connection table is selected to specify the Length Units used for length values in this table, as well as their Value Precision .
For more information, refer to the Harness Design page.
Display 'No Connect' Objects in Connection Table
In a connection table within a harness manufacturing document (*.HarDwf
), it is now possible to display only 'no connect' objects. To do this, choose the No Connect option from the Display drop-down in the Properties region of the Properties panel when a connection table is selected.
For more information, refer to the Creating a Manufacturing Drawing page.
Data Management Improvements
Checking Component Child Item Revision States
When changing the lifecycle state of a component, the software now checks that its child item revisions (template and referenced models) are in an applicable state to do so. Otherwise, the state transition status will indicate that a child item revision is in an inapplicable state, and a warning dialog will ask you for a confirmation when you try to proceed with the transition.
In this example, a component's symbol revision is in an inapplicable lifecycle state (Obsolete ), and this is flagged when trying to change the component's lifecycle state and when validating the transition.
For more information, refer to the Managing Item Revision Lifecycle page.
Ability to Rank Part Choices in Batch Component Editing
With the Component editor in Batch Component Editing mode, you now have the ability to quickly set ranking for part choices automatically for components being defined/edited.
Select one or more component definition entries, then right-click the selection and choose the Set Part Choice Ranks Automatically command from the right-click menu to set ranking for part choices of selected components.
Select the Tools » Set Part Choice Ranks Automatically command from the main menus to set ranking for part choices of all components.
Part choices are sorted in the component definitions grid and the preview region of the editor according to the ranks set. Any part choices already ranked keep their existing order.
For more information, refer to the Batch Component Editing page.
Disabled Commit and Release Actions for Enterprise Server Workspace SVN Projects
As part of preparation for ending SVN support in the Altium On-Prem Enterprise Server , it is no longer possible to commit and release projects that use SVN for version control in a connected Enterprise Server Workspace. You will instead now be presented with a dialog asking you to migrate your project from an SVN repository to the Enterprise Server's built-in Git repository.
Also, a dialog that warns you that SVN is no longer supported appears when opening a project that uses SVN in a connected Enterprise Server Workspace ( ).
For more information, refer to the Making an Existing Project Available in the Workspace page.
Features Made Fully Public in Altium Designer 25.3
The following features are now officially Public with this release:
Altium Designer 25.2
Released: 14 January 2025 – Version 25.2.1 (build 25)
Release Notes for Altium Designer
Key Highlights
PCB Design Improvement
ODB++ Intentional Shorts (Open Beta)
This release adds support for generating a list of nets and copper primitives that are intentionally allowed to short ('Net-Ties') when generating ODB++ v8.1 output. No longer do you have to double up the documentation you send to your fabricator, with one ODB++ package listing merged net ties for manufacturing and another without merged net ties for In-Circuit Testing.
This ability uses ODB++ v8.1’s support for generating a ‘shortf’ file, which contains the list of intentional shorts. In terms of access and use within Altium Designer, a new option is provided in the ODB++ Setup dialog. This option, Generate shortf: List of Intentional Shorts (Net-Ties) , is only available when generating output in v8.1 format. When enabled, the Merge Net-Tie Nets option is disabled and vice versa. The generated shortf file can be found under the ‘eda’ sub-folder of the step output.
This feature is in Open Beta and available when the ODB.IntentionalShorts
option is enabled in the Advanced Settings dialog .
For more information, refer to the Preparing Fabrication Data page.
PCB CoDesign Improvement
Improved Presentation of Copper Changes
For detected copper changes (arc, connection, pad, track, etc.), the associated net name is now presented in the PCB CoDesign panel. In addition and for a connection, all layers on which that connection is represented are also now displayed.
Constraint Manager Improvements
Enhanced xNet Generation
Generation of xNets now supports serial components with more than two pins. The following serial components are supported:
Dual-inline component with an even number of pins – xNets are generated from nets connected to the first and the last pins of the component, then to the second and the second to last pins, etc.
❯ ❮
Javascript ID: CM_xNetCreation_DIP_AD25_2
An example of a dual-inline component with an even number of pins with nets connected to them.
xNets are being created when these nets are selected in the Constraints Manager.
xNets were generated from corresponding pairs of nets as for a dual-inline component.
Single-inline component with an even number of pins – xNets are generated from nets connected to the first and the second pins of the component, then to the third and the fourth pins, etc. Note that the component must include a parameter named PinPairsConfiguration
with value SIP
; otherwise, xNets will be generated as in the case of the dual-inline component.
❯ ❮
Javascript ID: CM_xNetCreation_SIP_AD25_2
An example of a single-inline component with an even number of pins with nets connected to them. Note that the component includes a special parameter PinPairsConfiguration
xNets are being created when these nets are selected in the Constraints Manager.
xNets were generated from corresponding pairs of nets as for a singlel-inline component.
Component with an odd number of pins – an xNet is generated from nets connected to all pins of the component.
❯ ❮
Javascript ID: CM_xNetCreation_Odd_AD25_2
An example of a component with an odd number of pins with nets connected to them.
An xNet is being created when one of these nets is selected in the Constraints Manager.
An xNets was generated from all these nets.
For more information, refer to the Defining Design Requirements Using the Constraint Manager page.
Automatic Creation of xSignals for Simple Cases
For a simple xNet (that with one source, one destination, and one discrete component between each pair of nets), a custom topology and an xSignal are now automatically created after choosing the Custom routing topology type in the Constraint Manager.
❯ ❮
Javascript ID: CM_AutoxSignalCreation_AD25_2
An xNet goes from a single source to a single destination through a single discrete component.
The Custom topology type is selected for this xNet in the Constraint Manager.
A custom topology (and an xSignal based on this topology) is automatically created from the xNet.
For more information, refer to the Defining Design Requirements Using the Constraint Manager page.
Deletion of Advanced Rules
You can now delete multiple advanced rules at a time in the All Rules view of the Constraint Manager when it is accessed from the PCB. Select multiple advanced rules by using Ctrl+Click
, Shift+Click
, or Click, Hold&Drag
, then right-click and select Remove Advance Rules (x) . 'x' represents the number of rules that will be removed. You can also remove all advanced rules of a particular type, category, or all advanced rules using commands available from the right-click context menu for the corresponding entry in the Rule Class tree. The rules will be deleted immediately with no confirmation.
❯ ❮
Javascript ID: CM_RemoveAdvancedRules_AD25_2
Right-click multiple selected rules to remove them.
Right-click a rule type entry in the Rule Class tree to remove advanced rules of this type.
Right-click a rule category entry in the Rule Class tree to remove advanced rules in this category.
Right-click the Rule Class heading to remove all advanced rules.
For more information, refer to the Defining Design Requirements Using the Constraint Manager page.
Display Parameter Set Directive Data
For a parameter set directive attached to a single wire, added the ability to display associated data from the Constraint Manager (net/diff pair class name and rule settings) near to that directive on the schematic sheet. In addition, for a parameter set directive including defined net classes, that is attached to a blanket, after syncing/importing with/to the Constraint Manager, it is now possible to toggle the display of net class directive information in the design space. Use the visibility control ( ) at the left of the corresponding data entry in the Properties panel when the directive is selected to do this.
For more information, refer to the Defining Design Requirements Using the Constraint Manager page.
You can now add a comment to a constraint/rule in any view in the Constraint Manager. Enter the desired comment in the Comment field at the bottom of the Constraint Manager in the Clearances , Physical , or Electrical view or in the Comment column in the All Rules view.
❯ ❮
Javascript ID: CM_Comments_AD25_2
Wire Bonding Improvements
Extended Functionality of Wire Bonding Query Keywords
The two query language keywords – IsBondWireConnected and IsBondFinger – are now available when constructing query expressions to use in the filtering of objects in a PCB or PCB library.
❯ ❮
Javascript ID: WB_QueryKeywords_AD25_2
For more information, refer to the Wire Bonding page.
Enhanced Binding of Die Pads to 3D Bodies
The binding of a die pad to an overlapping 3D body has been enhanced. Now, die pads are linked only to a 3D body placed on the Die layer (referred to as a Die Body ). A die pad will now be linked to this overlapping die body, inheriting its height. Any geometric modifications to the die pad or die body (location, size, etc.) will update the link, keeping the height of the die pad in-sync with its linked die body.
If there are multiple overlapping die bodies under the die pad, the die pad will be linked to the die body from the same component as the die pad. If there are multiple die bodies in the same component (or the die pad overlaps multiple free die bodies), the die pad will be linked to the die body of the maximum height.
Note that if a die pad was linked to a 3D body on layers other than the Die layer in a previous version of Altium Designer, this binding will not be supported when the document is opened in the new version. The correct Die layer needs to be selected for the 3D body.
For more information, refer to the Wire Bonding page.
Data Management Improvement
Support for Qualified Models
This release introduces the concept of qualified models. Information about manufacturer parts available in the Manufacturer Part Search panel has been enhanced with details about a part's models (schematic symbol, PCB footprint, and/or simulation model), including whether they are considered 'Generic' ( ) or 'ECAD Ready' ( ). In the latter case, such models have been 'qualified' with respect to the datasheet, IPC standard, and associated Style Guide revision.
Use the Models filter in the Filters pane of the Manufacturer Part Search panel to restrict the listing to those parts that have models of corresponding level(s). Also, you can use the Model Type filter to restrict the listing to those parts that have models of the corresponding type(s).
When saving a component with ECAD Ready models to a connected Workspace, this same info is made available in the Use Component Data dialog.
For components with Generic models, you have the ability to vote to get qualified models made/added.
For more information, refer to the Searching for Manufacturer Parts page.
Import/Export Improvement
xDX Designer Custom Connector Support (Open Beta)
When an xDX Designer project is imported through the use of the Import Wizard , custom ports, custom power ports, and custom off-sheet connectors are now supported on the generated schematic document so they have the same graphics as in the original design.
❯ ❮
Javascript ID: xDXDesignImport_CustomConnectors
A custom power port imported from an xDX Designer project. Note that its Style property is set to the Custom value.
A custom port imported from an xDX Designer project.
A custom off-sheet connector imported from an xDX Designer project. Note that its Style property is set to the Custom value.
This feature is in Open Beta and available when the Importer.UseCustomConnectors
option is enabled in the Advanced Settings dialog .
For more information, refer to the Importing a Design from xDX Designer or DxDesigner page.
Features Made Fully Public in Altium Designer 25.2
The following features are now officially Public with this release:
Altium Designer 25.1
Released: 12 December 2024 – Version 25.1.2 (build 22)
Release Notes for Altium Designer
Key Highlights
PCB Design Improvements
Trace Loop Removal for All Routing Corner Styles
The automatic trace loop removal feature now applies to all corner styles of routing.
For more information, refer to the Interactive Routing page.
Auto Tuning Process Dialog UI Updates
Terminology in the Auto Tuning Process dialog has been updated when configuring automatic length tuning to better reflect control actions:
For more information, refer to the Length Tuning page.
Constraint Manager Improvements
Single Command to Import and Export Constraints and Constraint Sets
Importing and exporting constraints and constraint sets can be done using the Export and Import commands available on the right-click menu.
After choosing Export , the Constraints to Import dialog opens in which you can select which contraints/constraint sets to export into a *.CstrDot
file that can be later imported into another project. After clicking OK , the standard File Explorer dialog opens in which you can name and save the constraints/constraint sets. The file will be exported with the extension *.CstrDot
and can then be imported into another design.
After choosing Import , the standard File Explorer window opens in which you select the desired constraints/constraint sets (*.CstrDot
) to import into your design; then click Open . The Constraints for Export dialog opens in which you can select the constraints/constraint sets to import into the currect design. The selected constraints/constraint sets will be applied to corresponding objects in the target design.
Also note that when importing a constraint and constraint set that have the same scope, the constraint set will be used.
For more information, refer to the Defining Design Requirements Using the Constraint Manager page.
Creating Advanced Rules After Importing Directives
For rules added to a parameter set directive that are not presented in the Physical and Electrical views, those rules will automatically be created as advanced rules presented on the All Rules view when the Constraint Manager is accessed from the PCB. The advanced rules are created upon completion of either importing directives or migrating from the older rules management system and subsequent ECO from the schematic to the PCB.
❯ ❮
Javascript ID: CM_ImportDirectives_AdvRules_AD25_1
A Power Plane Connect Style rule is added to a parameter set directive attached to a net.
When importing directives to the Constraint Manager, this rule is shown in the Refresh Constraint Manager dialog.
While the rule is not presented in the Physical and Electrical views, it is detected when updating the PCB from schematics.
After performing ECO, the rule is presented as an advanced rule in the All Rules view of the Constraint Manager when accessed from the PCB.
For more information, refer to the Defining Design Requirements Using the Constraint Manager page.
Wire Bonding Improvement
Wire Bonding Properties in the Find Similar Objects Dialog
The Find Similar Objects dialog has been improved in the context of bond wires. The dialog now includes the following object-specific parameters:
Die Bond Type
Loop Height
Length 3D
For more information, refer to the Wire Bonding page.
Unified Login (Open Beta)
This release sees the introduction of a ‘unified login’ approach to signing in to your Altium Account via an external browser, using direct email credentials, a linked Facebook or Google account, or through configured SSO. This approach improves security and session management and allows for faster delivery of security fixes, while also laying the foundation for future authentication improvements.
Now, when signing in to your account from within Altium Designer, you will be presented with a new Sign In dialog, asking you to sign in using your browser. Clicking the button will open your default web browser with a new, unified Sign In page for authentication. Sign in to your account using your preferred (and accessible) method.
❯ ❮
Javascript ID: UnifiedLogin_SignIn_AD24_10
As part of the first-time sign-in process, you need to allow Altium Designer access to your Altium User Identity ( ). Once access is given, authentication will be completed and you will be signed in to Altium Designer. If you sign out from your account, you will again be taken to your browser, loaded with a confirmation Signed out page ( ).
The new Sign In dialog provides an option to be signed in automatically when starting Altium Designer, so you will not be taken to the browser interface each time.
For security, there is a time limit of 5 minutes to complete the sign-in process. An error will occur if this time has elapsed in which case you will need to start the sign-in process again.
This feature is in Open Beta and available when the System.UnifiedLogin option is enabled in the Advanced Settings dialog .
Related, but not controlled by the System.UnifiedLogin
option, the option Unified Sign In (Beta) has been added to the Advanced Settings window of the Altium Designer installer ( ). When enabled, it replaces login to your Altium Account using the Account Log In window with unified login via an external browser, again, using any of the methods described above.
For more information, refer to the Signing in to Your Altium Account page.
Data Management Improvements
Design Variant Support for the Where Used Functionality
Added support for design variants as part of the Where Used feature in the Components panel. If a component is placed from an Altium 365 Workspace not in all variants of a Workspace project, the project's entry in the Where Used region of the Components panel's Details pane will show the number of variants in which the component is used and the total number of variants for this projects, as well as the list of variants in which the component is used.
❯ ❮
Javascript ID: WhereUsed_Variants
Here, a component is used in the base ([No Variations] ) and Advanced variants of a project, but it is Not Fitted in the project's Default variant.
When the component is selected in the Components panel, the Details pane shows that the component is used in 2 of 3 variants and lists the variants in which the component is used.
For more information, refer to the Searching for & Placing Components page.
Ability to Keep Original Model After Copying
When editing a Workspace component in the Component editor in Single Component Editing mode and creating a copy of a footprint model, it is now possible to choose whether to keep the original model and the copy, or to replace the original with the copy.
Refer to the Single Component Editing page to learn more.
Added Prefix to Copied Models
When editing a Workspace component in the Component editor in Single Component Editing mode and creating a copy of a symbol or footprint model, the name of the copied model is now given the prefix Copy of
Refer to the Single Component Editing page to learn more.
Reporting levels for ActiveBOM SiliconExpert-related BOM checks now observe the levels defined for the SiliconExpert Integration app through the connected Workspace's browser interface (learn more ). For example, if the Risky Lifecycle state check for components in the Obsolete lifecycle state is set to Fatal Error in the app settings, components in this lifecycle state will have a violation of the Fatal Error level ( ) in the ActiveBOM document.
Refer to the Pulling Part Data from SiliconExpert page to learn more.
BOM CoDesign (Open Beta)
This release introduces the BOM CoDesign functionality that enables you and the procurement expert to interact using BOM snapshots created with the BOM Portal functionality. Accessed from the Related BOMs tab of the Properties panel for an Altium 365 Workspace project's ActiveBOM document, the functionality allows you to analyze the differences between the current BOM and the selected child BOM of the project. A summary of differences is accessed in the panel, or a full comparison can be explored in your browser. You have full control over whether to apply a change (where applicable), per detected difference, to the ActiveBOM document.
For more information, refer to the BOM CoDesign page.
Import/Export Improvement
Panelized PCB Parasolid Export Improvement
Improved support for exporting a panelized PCB (Embedded Board Array) to Parasolid format. A Route Tool Path is cut through all board layers in the exported file, and cavities and board cutouts from a source board are taken into account on the panelized PCB.
For more information, refer to the Mechanical Data Import-Export Support page.
Feature Made Fully Public in Altium Designer 25.1
The following feature is now officially Public with this release:
Altium Designer 25.0
Released: 12 November 2024 – Version 25.0.2 (build 28)
Release Notes for Altium Designer
Key Highlights
PCB CoDesign Improvement
Added Ability to Revert Merged Changes
The control has been added to the PCB CoDesign panel. This control appears in the panel after performing a successful merge and allows you to revert merge results if needed.
For more information, refer to the PCB CoDesign page.
Constraint Manager Improvements
Updated Directive Import Process
The ability to import data from directives to the Constraint Manager has been made part of the refresh functionality. When clicking the button in the Constraint Manager, the Refresh Constraint Manager dialog with a summary of the import opens. Complete the import by clicking the button in the dialog.
Detecting Changes within Net Classes, Diff Pairs, and Diff Pair Classes
Changes within net classes, differential pairs, and differential pair classes (new/removed elements) imported from directives before are now detected, with an indication of any inconsistencies requiring synchronization (between schematics and Constraint Manager) with an orange bar at the left of the corresponding object name.
For more information, refer to the Defining Design Requirements Using the Constraint Manager page.
Wire Bonding Improvements
Enhanced Placement of Die Pads on Overlapped 3D Bodies
Die pads are now bound, by height, to the 3D body they are placed on instead of the highest 3D body in the die pad location. This allows die pads to remain on the surface of the correct 3D body when there are multiple 3D bodies in the same location (for example, when the PCB is covered by an enclosure).
If there is more than one 3D body in the die pad placement location, you can now select the required 3D body on which the pad needs to be placed from the set of overlapping bodies.
❯ ❮
Javascript ID: WB_Overlapped3DBodies_DiePadPlacement_AD25_0
Placing a die pad in a location where multiple 3D bodies overlap.
In this case, a popup selection dialog appears so you can choose a 3D body, to which the pad needs to be bound.
In 3D, you can see that the die pad is on the surface of the chosen 3D body.
For more information, refer to the Wire Bonding page.
Enhanced Sorting in a Wire Bonding Table Report
Sorting in a wire bonding table report has been enhanced. Now entries in the table are ordered as follows:
First, bond wires that start from component primitives are listed. Entries within this group are sorted alphabetically by component designators and then by pad designators.
Then, bond wires that start from free primitives and end on component primitives are listed. Entries within this group are sorted alphabetically by primitive names and/or designators.
Then, bond wires that start from and end on free primitives are listed. Entries within this group are also sorted alphabetically.
For more information, refer to the Wire Bonding page.
Multi-board Design Improvements
Support for External Peripherals/Components (Open Beta)
This release extends the functionality of the multi-board design arena to provide for external peripherals/components that are not part of the regular child PCB board assemblies (i.e. ‘non-PCB’ components). This could include, for example, external switches, sensors, and any other off-the-shelf, third-party electronic modules.
The multi-board schematic document (*.MbsDoc
) facilitates this capability with support for two new object types:
Custom Part – a module-like entity that provides the ability to link one or more library components and that is added to the multi-board schematic document using the Place » Custom Part command from the main menus or the Custom Part command from the Active Bar. An entry is automatically added for each linked component.
Custom Connection – provides the ability to add a single library component to the multi-board schematic document by dragging and dropping the required component from the Components panel into free space on the sheet. An entry is automatically added for each pin of the component.
Note that you also have the ability to create a custom symbol for a component specifically for use with a multi-board schematic document. Adding comma-separated names to the Name field of a pin’s properties enables you to group multiple pins into entries, essentially creating visually cleaner symbols with fewer entries, making the connection of such components far more streamlined.
❯ ❮
Javascript ID: MBS_CustomConn_MultiplePins_AD24_5
When editing a schematic symbol, add multiple comma-separated names to the Name field of a pin.
When the component is added to a custom part in a multi-board schematic, an entry for each component pin will be created instead of a single entry for the component, and entries with multiple pins will be created.
When the component is placed in a multi-board schematic as a custom connection, entries with multiple pins will be created.
Library components are those available from your connected Workspace and available local libraries. Once placed/defined, you can connect the components to your wider design, for example, using cable and harness connections.
The result is that all elements of the overall system are accounted for and their connections are properly documented. This provides a complete ‘system diagram’ within the single location of your multi-board schematic document, making the previous time-consuming workaround of making ‘dummy’ child PCBs to attain such functionality a thing of the past.
In this first-step implementation, linked components, defined through custom parts and/or custom connections, are not automatically included in the overall product/system BOM and are not presented in the multi-board assembly (*.MbaDoc
This feature is in Open Beta and available when the MBS.PlacePart
and MBS.UseGeometryMaker
options are enabled in the Advanced Settings dialog .
For more information, refer to the Capturing the Logical System Design page.
The ability to add comments to a Multi-board Draftsman document (*.MbDwf
) has been added. Comments can be added using the controls as in other document types (e.g., Place menu, button, etc.).
For more information, refer to the Document Commenting page.
Harness Design Improvement
Override Calculated Wire Length
You can now override the calculated length for a wire on the Layout Drawing (*.LdrDoc
). Enter the required Offset Length in the Properties panel, or choose Manual in the drop-down in Length Type to manually define the required absolute length.
For wires whose length was defined in an MCAD tool and then pulled into Altium Designer using the MCAD CoDesigner, the MCAD CoDesigner entry will be shown in the Length Type entry. In this case, the Offset Length cannot be defined but you can override the length value by selecting Manual from the drop-down ( ).
For more information, refer to the Creating the Layout Drawing page.
Data Management Improvements
Open Project Dialog Enhancements for non-Altium Designer Projects
In this release, the Open Project dialog has been enhanced to provide better support for non-Altium Designer projects uploaded to the connected Altium 365 Workspace (OrCAD , KiCad , and EAGLE projects).
Non-Altium Designer project entries in the dialog's main grid area are now accompanied by corresponding icons and labeled with the Web Viewer Only text.
When a non-Altium Designer project entry is selected, the right-hand side pane of the dialog now shows a message that this project can only be opened in the Web Viewer , which can be done using a new button at the bottom of the dialog.
For more information, refer to the Opening Projects and Documents page.
Propagating Variant Parameters to Released Assembly Data
When releasing a PCB project using the Project Releaser , parameters defined for project variants are now included in the corresponding revisions of assembly data sets. These parameters can be browsed using the Explorer panel. When viewing a project in the Classic View , select the required assembly data set revision and switch to the Parameters aspect view tab to see the variant parameters.
❯ ❮
Javascript ID: ProjectRelease_VariantParameters_AD25_0
The variant Default
of a project has a variant parameter VariantLabel
= A
When viewing the assembly data set revision for this variant in the Explorer panel, this parameter is shown on the Parameters aspect view tab.
For more information, refer to the Releasing to a Workspace page.
Features Made Fully Public in Altium Designer 25.0
The following features are now officially Public with this release: