Create New Revision
Created: October 08, 2019 | Updated: March 06, 2024
| Applies to versions: 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2
Now reading version 3.0. For the latest, read: Create New Revision for version 5
The Create new revision dialog
The Create new revision dialog allows you to upload the relevant file(s) into a new revision of an item in a managed content server that supports the uploading of data.
The dialog is accessed from the Explorer panel (View » Panels » Explorer) by right-clicking on an Item then selecting Upload when uploading items such as 3D models, binary files, BOM templates, etc.
- Release Notes - enter any release notes required.
- Name - enter a different name for this revision of the item, if required.
- Item ID - displays the unique item ID. The ID itself is typically a code in accordance with established naming conventions. For example,
may be used to reflect a fabricated Blank Board Item, whileD-820-XXXX
may reflect an Assembled Board Item. The Item ID cannot be changed after the Item is released. - Description - enter a meaningful description for this revision of the item.
- Sources - drag and drop the required file(s) as supported by this item type into this region.
- Add - click to access the Add Files dialog (a standard Windows open-type dialog). Use this to browse to, and open, the required file(s), as supported by this item type.
- click to remove selected file(s).