
現在、バージョン 19.0. をご覧頂いています。最新情報については、バージョン Query_Lang-PCBFunctions_AttributeChecks_IsRoundPad((IsRoundPad))_AD の 21 をご覧ください。

Parent page: PCB Query Functions - Attribute Checks


Returns all pad objects with a round pad shape.

Includes Top-Middle-Bottom, and Full Stack pads where the pad shape on at least one layer is round.
In addition to being Round in shape, the X-Size and Y-Size properties must be set to be equal, otherwise the result will be an oval pad shape.


IsRoundPad : Boolean/Boolean_String

Example Usage

IsRoundPad = True
IsRoundPad = 'True'

Returns all pad objects with a round pad shape.

Not IsRoundPad
IsRoundPad = False
IsRoundPad = 'False'

Returns all objects except pad objects with a round pad shape.



利用できる機能は、Altium Designer ソフトウェア サブスクリプション のレベルによって異なります。