Parameter Options for a Project in Altium Designer
The Parameters tab of the Project Options dialog
This tab of the Project Options dialog enables you to manage parameters defined for the project, often referred to as project-level parameters. Parameters defined at the project level are available for use across all schematic sheets and PCB documents in the project through the use of special strings (=<ProjectParameterName> on a schematic and .<ProjectParameterName> on a PCB).
This is one of multiple tabs available when configuring the options for a project – accessed from within the Project Options dialog. This dialog is accessed by:
- From the PCB or schematic editor click Project » Project Options.
- Right-click on the project name on the Projects panel then click Project Options from the context menu.
- Parameters Grid - the main region of the tab lists all of the parameters currently defined for the project, in terms of:
- Name - the name of the parameter.
- Value - the value of the parameter.
- Add - click this button to add a new parameter to the list in the Parameter Properties dialog.
- Remove - click this button to delete the selected parameter(s) from the list of parameters.
- Edit - click this button to modify the currently selected parameter in the Parameter Properties dialog.
Right-Click Menu
The following commands are available on the right-click menu:
- Edit - use this command to modify the currently selected parameter in the Parameter Properties dialog.
- Add - use this command to add a new parameter to the list in the Parameter Properties dialog.
- Remove - use this command to delete the selected parameter(s) from the list.
- Copy - use this command to copy the selected parameter(s) to the Windows clipboard.
- Paste - use this command to paste parameter(s) on the Windows clipboard into the parameters list.