Parent page: TextEdit Commands
The following pre-packaged resource, derived from this base command, is available:
Applied Parameters: None
This command is used to restore changes made by the Undo feature. Multiple levels of redo are supported.
Access to this command can be made in the following ways:
- Choose Edit » Redo from the main menus.
- Click the
button on the Text Standard toolbar.
- Use the Ctrl+Y keyboard shortcut.
As soon as you run the command, the last command to be undone by the Undo operation will be "redone" and the document will be returned to its state prior to the last undo taking place. Use the command repeatedly to 'redo' further operations, in the order that they were undone, essentially reversing the undo sequence.
- To retain undo/redo data after saving the document, ensure the Remember undo/redo after save option is enabled, on the Text Editors - General page of the Preferences dialog. This will allow you to redo undone operations even after a document save. If this option is disabled, all data will be lost after the document is saved, and operations that were undone can no longer be redone.