Working with Additional Views for Your Draftsman Documentation in Altium Designer

Along with the board assembly view and the board fabrication view, Draftsman suggests several additional automated design views to complete your PCB drawing.

Board Section View

A Draftsman board section view provides a profile slice, or sectional, drawing taken from a nominated 'cut' point through a placed board assembly view. The section view generator takes the available 3D data from the current PCB to create a standalone section drawing aligned to the nominated cut point. 

Two placed board section views applied to a board assembly view
Two placed board section views applied to a board assembly view

  • Any number of board section views can be created from a board assembly view. If you create multiple board section views from the same board assembly view, it is a good idea to give a unique label to each of them.

  • For even greater detail, consider creating a board detail view from your board section view.

  • The board section view placement command is available only when at least one board assembly view is placed in the document.  

  • Note that section views can only be created from a board assembly view whose View setting is set to Top or Bottom.

The steps to create a board section view are:

  1. Select the board section view placement command (Place » Additional Views » Board Section View).

  2. Position the cursor on a board assembly view, where a vertical cut line will follow the cursor movement. Use the Spacebar to toggle between vertical and horizontal cut lines.

  3. Click to set the position of the cut line.

  4. Move the cursor on either side of the line to set the view direction (as indicated by the cut line arrows) and click to confirm.

  5. Drag and place the new board section view in the desired location.

The position, size, and target point of a placed board section view may be graphically modified when it has been selected in the design space. The view allows for different modes of graphic editing:

  • Click, Hold&Drag the board section view graphic to change its location.

  • Click, Hold&Drag the board section view's scaling handle (node), located at the top right of its outline, to modify the view's rendered size.

  • Click, Hold&Drag the board section view's cutting line (away from its nodes) to change the position of the cut through the board. Use the Spacebar while dragging to change the Positioning Mode (Horizontal or Vertical).

  • Click, Hold&Drag one of the board section view's cutting line nodes to change the extents of the cut through the board.

  • When dragging the cutting line or its node, use the Spacebar to change the Positioning Mode (Horizontal or Vertical).

Demonstration of board section view placement and graphical editing

Drawing representation, view direction, and labeling of a placed board section view are configurable in the Properties panel when the view is selected in the design space ().

Option Description


Use Custom Scale
Use these options to configure the view's scale. For more information, refer to the Working with Views page.


Use these options to configure the view's title. For more information, refer to the Working with Views page.


Cutting Line

Use the drop-downs to select the line thickness and pattern used to render the view's arrowed indicator lines. Available options are defined in the Line Styles region of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page. Use the associated color button to specify the color of the line.

Connector Line

Use the drop-downs to select the line thickness and pattern used to render the view's cutting line, which lies between the arrowed section indicators (and passes through the board assembly view). Available options are defined in the Line Styles region of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page. Use the associated color button to specify the color of the line.

Arrow Style

Use the provided options to configure the section indicator.

  • Head Style – use the drop-down menu to choose from a range of preset section indicator styles (headers). When set as arrows, they indicate the direction of view for the section.

  • Width – the width of the indicator head, such as an arrow. This setting also defines the diameter of a round head style.

  • Length – the length of the indicator head, such as an arrow.

Board Cut Fill Style

Use these options to configure the display of the graphic fill pattern and color of the sectioned (cut) board. The pattern swatch shows the preview of the pattern according to the configured settings. Use the associated color buttons to specify colors for the fill and hatch pattern. Select the associated  button to access the following options ():

  • Pattern – the graphic pattern for the sectioned board. Select Solid fill or an ANSI pattern (ANSI 31 or ANSI 37) from the drop-down menu.

  • Scale – the relative line spacing of the applied ANSI hatch pattern.

  • Rotation – the angle of the ANSI hatching lines, where a value of 0 is equivalent to 45°.

  • Hatch Thickness – the line weight of the ANSI pattern lines.

Note that the pattern and color used to fill the sectioned view of components on the board are defined by the properties of the source board assembly view. For more information about configuring component hatching patterns for a board section view, refer to the Board Assembly View page.



The text string/character used for the view label name displayed as the section cut label.

It can also be included in the view title using the ViewLabel parameter.


The angle of rotation, relative to the source board assembly view at which the board section view is rendered. Use the drop-down menu to choose from the sequence of 90° presets.

Positioning Mode The X/Y orientation of the section cut, either Horizontal or Vertical.
Flip View Direction When enabled, the section view orientation (the direction from which it is 'viewed') is inverted. The cut line direction arrows will change accordingly.
Slice Section When enabled, the visibility of objects behind the cut line is disabled. It removes the background objects from the view, creating a literal cut view through the board ().
Display Mode The display style of the cut indicator arrows, so they are positioned either after (Standard) or before (Alternative) the cut line ().
Show Connector Line When enabled, the visibility of the cut line is enabled.

Board Detail View

The Draftsman board detail view feature allows a defined area of a drawing to be brought out to a floating, magnified view of its detail. Board detail views can be added to a board assembly view, board fabrication view, board section view, component view, drill drawing view, board isometric view, and board region view. A board detail view can be created with either a circle or rectangular shape.

Two placed board detail views (at the bottom) applied to a board assembly view and a board fabrication view
Two placed board detail views (at the bottom) applied to a board assembly view and a board fabrication view

If you create multiple board detail views in your document, it is a good idea to give a unique label to each of them.

The steps to create a board detail view are:

  1. Select a board detail view placement command (Place » Additional Views » Board Detail View » Circle area detail view or Place » Additional Views » Board Detail View » Rectangle area detail view, depending on which shape of the view is required).

  2. Click at a point on the drawing (on a supported view) to specify the center of the target board detail view area.

  3. Move the mouse then click to specify the radius (for a circle shape view) / corner (for a rectangular shape view) of the view area (the board detail view source). The view will appear floating on the cursor.

  4. Click again to set the position of the board detail view expansion.

Both the board detail view and its source area/size may be graphically modified. To enable its graphic editing mode, click on any part of the graphic representation, including the board detail view expansion, the perimeter of the source area, the label, or the connection/leader line.

  • Click, Hold&Drag the board detail view itself (the magnified view of the source area) to change its location.

  • Hover the cursor over the label or connection/leader line (the cursor will change to a 'move' crosshair – ), then Click, Hold&Drag to move the view's source area position.

  • Hover the cursor over the source area outline (the cursor will change to a 'resize' crosshair – ), then Click, Hold&Drag to change the view's source area size.

  • If the board detail view object uses a label leader (Display Mode set to With Leader in the Properties panel), it will show an editing handle that may be dragged to reposition the leader and its label.

Demonstration of board detail view placement and graphical editing

The magnification factor (scale), labeling, and line attributes of a placed board detail view are configurable in the Properties panel when the view is selected in the design space ().

Option Description


Use Custom Scale
Use these options to configure the view's scale. For more information, refer to the Working with Views page.


Use these options to configure the view's title. For more information, refer to the Working with Views page.


Connection Line

Use the drop-downs to select the line thickness and pattern used to render the leader label line (when the Display Line option is set to With Leader) or the line that connects the source outline and the view itself (when the Display Line option is set to Connected). Available options are defined in the Line Styles region of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page. Use the associated color button to specify the color of the line.

Source Border Line

Use the drop-downs to select the line thickness and pattern used to render the view's source area outline. Available options are defined in the Line Styles region of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page. Use the associated color button to specify the color of the lines.

Detail Border Line

Use the drop-downs to select the line thickness and pattern used to render the view's magnified area outline. Available options are defined in the Line Styles region of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page. Use the associated color button to specify the color of the line.



The text string/character used for the view label name. It is displayed as the view label when the Display Line option is set to With Leader or No Leader.

It can also be included in the view title using the ViewLabel parameter.


The angle at which the magnified area is shown, where relates to the area's inherent view angle in the source (target) drawing view. Choose from a sequence of 90° view options in the drop-down menu.

Display Mode The style of connection line for the view source. Use the drop-down to select the Connected, With Leader, or No Leader style ().

Component View

A Draftsman component view (Place » Additional Views » Component View) is an assembly view-style drawing object of a single component from the current board design. When set as a profile view, the rendered component view includes the related profile section of the supporting PCB.

Two placed component views that show a component from the top and front sides
Two placed component views that show a component from the top and front sides

A placed component view will initially show the first component registered in the BOM data. This can be changed to the desired component from the Component drop-down in the Properties region of the Properties panel, which also offers the property settings that define the component view's graphic style and view angle ().

Option Description


Use Custom Scale
Use these options to configure the view's scale. For more information, refer to the Working with Views page.


Use these options to configure the view's title. For more information, refer to the Working with Views page.


Board Line

Use the drop-downs to select the line thickness and pattern used to render the board line when the View Side is set to a value other than Top. Available options are defined in the Line Styles region of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page. Use the associated color button to specify the color of the line.

Component Line

Use the drop-downs to select the line thickness and pattern used to render the component geometry in the view. Available options are defined in the Line Styles region of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page. Use the associated color button to specify the color of the lines.

Distance To Board Edge

When the View Side is set to a value other than Top, specifies the distance from the component view to the edge of the board.


Component The board design component that will be rendered in the view. Use the drop-down menu to select from the list of all available component designators.
View Side

The direction of view used to render the component drawing. Use the drop-down menu to select from a range of preset view directions.

Rotation The angle of rotation used to render the view, as applied by the drop-down menu.
Show Pads

Options in this region are available only when the View Side for the selected component view is set to Top. Enabled SMD and/or Through-Hole option to render respective pad shapes in the view. Select the associated color button to specify the pad display color.

When the component selected in the Component drop-down has die pad(s) and bond wires connected to them, the Bond Wires and Die Pads options are also available (). Enable them to render bond wire projections and die pads, respectively. Select the associated color button to specify the object display color.

For more information about wire bonding, refer to the Wire Bonding page.

Drill Drawing View

A Draftsman drill drawing view (Place » Additional Views » Drill Drawing View) is an automated graphic composite of the active PCB project's board outline and drill holes. The view is rendered with definable symbols that correspond to hole types and also includes any specified drill layer pairs.

A placed drill drawing view can show holes for all or specific drill pairs and rendered with defined hole group symbols.
A placed drill drawing view can show holes for all or specific drill pairs and rendered with defined hole group symbols.

For even greater detail, consider creating a board detail view from your drill drawing view.

A placed drill drawing view will initially show drill pairs for all layers. This can be changed after placement as required, through the Properties panel, which also offers the property settings that define the drill drawing view's side and assigned drill symbol graphics for the various drill holes ().

Option Description


Use Custom Scale
Use these options to configure the view's scale. For more information, refer to the Working with Views page.


Use these options to configure the view's title. For more information, refer to the Working with Views page.


Board Line

Use the drop-downs to select the line thickness and pattern used to render the view's border/outline. Available options are defined in the Line Styles region of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page. Use the associated color button to specify the color of the line.



The direction of view used to render the view. Use the drop-down menu to specify the Top or Bottom view direction.

Rotation The angle of rotation used to render the view, as applied by the drop-down menu.
Layer Pairs

Select which PCB drill layer pair holes will be displayed in the drawing view. Use the drop-down menu to choose from the layer pairs that are available in the source board design as can be viewed and edited in the PCB editor's Layer Stack Manager. All board designs will have a Top Layer to Bottom Layer pair, while other pairs will represent via holes passing between or to other layers, such as internal/plane layers. For more information, refer to the Blind, Buried & Micro Via Definition page.

  • The Counterhole Bottom and Counterhole Top options are available only when the PCB document includes pad objects with counterhole features enabled on corresponding sides of the PCB. For more information refer to the Working with Pads & Vias page.

  • Note that counterholes are excluded from layer pairs other than Counterhole Bottom and Counterhole Top. Counterholes are excluded from the All Layers layer pair as well.

Click the button to open the Drill Symbol Configurations dialog, which provides a tabular view of all drill hole data, with hole styles grouped on a selectable parameter (column data) basis and assigned standard symbols. The dialog allows the setting of the style and size for each hole symbol.

This is the same dialog that is activated from the Properties panel for a drill table, but in this case, all available columns will be shown. Note that the two Drill Symbol Configuration dialog versions are from the same source and, therefore, interact. For more information about the dialog, refer to the Drill Table page.

Board Isometric View

A Draftsman board isometric view (Place » Additional Views » Board Isometric View) is an automated projection graphic composite of the active PCB project's board assembly.

Two placed board isometric views; a front face view on the left and a top face view on the right
Two placed board isometric views; a front face view on the left and a top face view on the right

The settings for a placed board isometric view, including its face side and design variant, are available in the Properties panel when the view is selected in the design space ().

Option Description


Use Custom Scale
Use these options to configure the view's scale. For more information, refer to the Working with Views page.


Use these options to configure the view's title. For more information, refer to the Working with Views page.


Line Style

Use the drop-downs to select the line thickness and pattern used to render the view's board outline and component geometry. Available options are defined in the Line Styles region of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page. Use the associated color button to specify the color of the line.


Face side

The direction of the isometric projection used to render the view. Use the drop-down menu to select from a range of preset view directions.


The design variant, for which the view shows its data. Components set as not fitted for the selected variant are not rendered in the view.

When the Document : <VariantName> option is selected as the Variation, a variant specified for the document is applied to the view. The document-level variant is selected using the Variants drop-down in the Source region of the General tab of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page.

Display holes

Use the drop-down to select the desired holes display option: NoneAll, or Pads only.

Show No BOM

Use this option to toggle the display of no BOM components (whose Type is set to Standard (No BOM) in the PCB editor) in the view.

Board Region View

The board region view (Place » Additional Views » Board Region View) allows a Draftsman document to include an accurate representation of multiple layer stack regions in a board design, such as those applied in rigid-flex PCB designs. Layer stack naming and data applied in the view are drawn from the PCB design, as represented in the PCB editor’s Board Planning Mode view and Layer Stack Manager.

A placed board region view
A placed board region view

The settings for a placed board region view are available in the Properties panel when the view is selected in the design space ().

Option Description


Use Custom Scale
Use these options to configure the view's scale. For more information, refer to the Working with Views page.


Use these options to configure the view's title. For more information, refer to the Working with Views page.


Border Style

Use the drop-downs to select the line thickness and pattern used to render the view's board outline. Available options are defined in the Line Styles region of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page. Use the associated color button to specify the color of the line.


Rotation The angle of rotation used to render the view, as applied by the drop-down menu.
Region graphic properties

For each of the board's layer stack regions, an entry that allows configuring its associated graphic properties is included. The pattern swatch shows the preview of the pattern according to the configured settings. Use the associated color buttons to specify colors for the fill and hatch pattern. Select the associated  button to access the following options ():

  • Pattern – the graphic pattern for the region fill. Select Solid fill or an ANSI pattern (ANSI 31 or ANSI 37) from the drop-down menu.

  • Scale – the relative line spacing of the applied ANSI hatch pattern.

  • Rotation – the angle of the ANSI hatching lines, where a value of 0 is equivalent to 45°.

  • Hatch Thickness – the line weight of the ANSI pattern lines.

A callout placed in the board region view can be set to automatically identify a board layer stack region, and dimensions may be added to the view to provide details of the stack region areas and divisions.

Board Realistic View

A Draftsman board realistic view (Place » Additional Views » Board Realistic View) provides a high level of purely visual information of the assembly and fabrication data in a drawing document. Placed as a separate and configurable view object, the board realistic view provides a scalable 3D rendering of the current board design. The 3D view is generated by the software’s 3D rendering engine – as applied in the PCB editor – and may be set to adopt the PCB editor’s current view angle and configuration.

A placed board realistic view. The view angle has been taken from the PCB editor.
A placed board realistic view. The view angle has been taken from the PCB editor.

The settings for a placed board realistic view are available in the Properties panel when the view is selected in the design space ().

Option Description


Width The width of the view.
Height The height of the view.
Maintain Aspect Ratio When this option is enabled, the image dimensions will remain in proportion when the object is scaled by entering a new Width or Height or by dragging the object's selection nodes in the design space.


Use these options to configure the view's title. For more information, refer to the Working with Views page.


Rotation The angle of rotation used to render the view, as applied by the drop-down menu.

The design variant, for which the view shows its data. Components set as not fitted for the selected variant are not rendered in the view.

When the Document : <VariantName> option is selected as the Variation, a variant specified for the document is applied to the view. The document-level variant is selected using the Variants drop-down in the Source region of the General tab of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page.

Resolution(DPI) The quality of the view in terms of resolution. The minimum setting is 75 DPI.
View Select Top or Botton to render the view from the corresponding side of the source board design or select Custom to enable the  button, which will cause the rendered view to adopt the PCB editor’s current 3D positional view ().
View Configuration

Click the button to cause the rendered view to adopt the view configuration settings currently applied in the PCB editor 3D view as defined in the editor’s View Configuration panel ().

Since a board realistic view can adopt the current settings of the PCB editor 3D view, multiple board realistic views can be placed in a Draftsman document, each taking a different configuration/view 'snapshot' from the PCB editor's 3D view.

Counter Hole View

A Draftsman counter hole view (Place » Additional Views » Counter Hole View) provides a representation of a board's pad hole with counter hole features (counterbore and/or countersink). When set as a profile view, the rendered counter hole view includes the corresponding profile section of the PCB.

Two placed counter hole views that show a pad hole from the top and left sides
Two placed counter hole views that show a pad hole from the top and left sides

A placed counter hole view will initially show the hole of one of the PCB pads with a counter hole feature applied. This can be changed to the required pad from the Properties panel, which also offers the property settings that define the view's graphic style and view side ().

Option Description


Use Custom Scale
Use these options to configure the view's scale. For more information, refer to the Working with Views page.


Use these options to configure the view's title. For more information, refer to the Working with Views page.


ViewSide The direction of view used to render the hole drawing. Use the drop-down menu to select from a range of preset view directions.
Counter Hole

The board design pad with a counter hole feature applied which hole will be rendered in the view. Use the drop-down menu to select from the list of all available counter holes.


Border Line

Use the drop-downs to select the line thickness and pattern used to render the view's board line (applies when the ViewSide is set to Left). Available options are defined in the Line Styles region of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page. Use the associated color button to specify the color of the line.

Hole Line Use the drop-downs to select the line thickness and pattern used to render the view's hole geometry. Available options are defined in the Line Styles region of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page. Use the associated color button to specify the color of the line.
Distance To Board Edge

When the ViewSide is set to Left, specifies the distance from the hole view to the edge of the board.

Annotations and dimensions may be added to a counter hole view to provide details of the pad hole.

Via Type View

A Draftsman via type view (Place » Additional Views » Via Type View) represents a via type according to the IPC-4761 standard, Design Guide for Protection of Printed Board Via Structures.

A placed via type view that illustrates a Type 3A via (sealing with a non-conductive material on one side, which partially enters the via)
A placed via type view that illustrates a Type 3A via (sealing with a non-conductive material on one side, which partially enters the via)

The settings for a placed via type view, including the shown via type and the view's graphic style, are available in the Properties panel when the view is selected in the design space ().

Option Description


Use Custom Scale
Use these options to configure the view's scale. For more information, refer to the Working with Views page.


Use these options to configure the view's title. For more information, refer to the Working with Views page.


Via Type The via type according to the IPC-4761 standard used to render the via drawing. Use the drop-down menu to select from a range of preset via types.

Use the drop-down to select from what side covering should be applied. For via types 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, and 6A, choose from either Top or Bottom. For via types 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5, 6B, and 7, the option is effectively disabled with Both as the only option and is the default for those via types.

Layer Stack The PCB design layer stack, as defined in the PCB editor's Layer Stack Manager, according to which the view will be rendered. Use the drop-down menu to select from the list of all available layer stacks.


Line Style

Use the drop-downs to select the line thickness and pattern used to render the view's outline lines. Available options are defined in the Line Styles region of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page. Use the associated color button to specify the color of the line.

Hole Fill Color Use the associated color button to specify the color used to render the view's hole fill.
Plug Color Use the associated color button to specify the color used to render the view's plug.
Cover Color

Use the associated color button to specify the color used to render the view's cover.

A callout placed in the via type view can be set to automatically identify the associated via structure.

Layer Stack Legend

A Draftsman layer stack legend view (Place » Layer Stack Legend) provides a representation of the board's internal structure as an enlarged sectional view. It includes detailed descriptions and information for each layer in the stack, including the Gerber files associated with each layer.

A placed layer stack legend derives data from the layer stack for the source PCB and can be displayed with relative layer thickness and via types.
A placed layer stack legend derives data from the layer stack for the source PCB and can be displayed with relative layer thickness and via types.

Note that a placed layer stack legend cannot be graphically resized. It will automatically scale to accommodate the font style/size and stack graphic dimensions as specified in the view's properties.

By default, the information for each layer is derived from the corresponding attributes in the board layer stack, as defined in the PCB editor's Layer Stack Manager. However, the layer description attributes may be edited and expanded in Draftsman through the Properties panel when the view is selected in the design space (). 

Option Description


Use these options to configure the view's title. For more information, refer to the Working with Views page.


Line Use the drop-downs to select the line thickness and pattern used to render the view's line between each layer representation and its corresponding specification table row. Available options are defined in the Line Styles region of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page. Use the associated color button to specify the color of the line.
View Line Use the drop-downs to select the line thickness and pattern used to render the view's layer representation outlines. Available options are defined in the Line Styles region of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page. Use the associated color button to specify the color of the line.
Justification Select the point relative to which the position of the view is changed if its size is updated.


Display Mode

Determines the rendered height of each layer representation in the view's graphic within the constraints of the Min Layer Height and Max Layer Height settings. Use the drop-down to choose the layer heights option:

  • Default – all layers are rendered at the same standard height.

  • Real Width in Heights – layers are rendered at a height that is proportional to the actual thickness of each board layer.

  • Align Table Rows – layers are rendered at a height that aligns to the table row contents.

Width Sets the rendered width of the view's graphic. The minimum width is determined by the number of via types included.

The PCB design layer stack, as defined in the PCB editor's Layer Stack Manager, used as the data source for the view.

Show Drill Pairs

Enables a graphic representation of the drill layer pairs (via types), as defined in the PCB editor's by the PCB project's Layer Stack Manager (learn more about Blind, Buried & Micro Via Definition).

Note that any via types with back drilling enabled include a representation of the oversized back drill hole shown with partially drilled out via barrels (). For more information about back drilling, refer to the Controlled Depth Drilling (Back Drilling) page.

Min Layer Height The minimum rendered height of any layer. This setting will only influence the graphic when the Display Mode option is set to Real Width in Heights.
Max Layer Height The maximum rendered height of any layer. This setting will only influence the graphic when the Display Mode option is set to Real Width in Heights.
Gap Between Layers Sets the amount of free space desired between layer graphics.
Show Header Enable/disable the column header captions in the view's table.
Show Footer Enable/disable the total board thickness readout at the bottom of the view's table.

Sets the header and footer font used in the view's table.

  • When the Use Document Font option is enabled, the font used is that defined by the document options (the Document Font entry in the General region of the General tab of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space).

  • When the Use Document Font option is disabled, use the provided options to choose the desired font type, size, color, and text attributes.

Usual Layer Font

Sets the font used for the table information that relates to the board's outer/surface layers, such as the paste, silkscreen, and solder layers. Use the provided options to choose the desired font type, size, color, and text attributes.

Signal Layer Font Sets the font used for the table information that relates to the board's copper signal-carrying layers, such as the top/bottom and internal/plane layers. Use the provided options to choose the desired font type, size, color, and text attributes.
Dielectric Font Sets the font used for the table information that relates to the board's dielectric core layers. Use the provided options to choose the desired font type, size, color, and text attributes.
Relation Width Sets the distance between the layers graphic and the table, and by association the length of the layer to table row indicator lines.

Click the button to open the Layer Information dialog – see below.


Primary Units

Select the primary measurement unit type that will be shown in the view's table. Use the associated  button to toggle the visibility of the units of measurement.

When the Document : <Units> option is selected as the Primary Units, the primary units specified for the document are applied to the view. The document-level primary units are selected using the Primary Units drop-down in the Units region of the General tab of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page.

Dual Units

Select the secondary (dual) measurement unit type that will be shown in the view's table. Use the associated  button to toggle the visibility of secondary units' values.

When the Document : <Units> option is selected as the Dual Units, the dual units specified for the document are applied to the view. The document-level dual units are selected using the Dual Units drop-down in the Units region of the General tab of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page.


Primary Units

Use the Value Precision drop-down menu to set the precision accuracy definition (up to five digits to the right of the decimal point, with the last digit rounded) for the primary layer dimension table entries.

Dual Units

Use the Value Precision drop-down menu to set the precision accuracy definition (up to five digits to the right of the decimal point, with the last digit rounded) for the dual layer dimension table entries, if enabled.

When the GOST 2.701-2008/2.106-1996 software extension is installed for your installation of Altium Designer, an additional Draw Break Line option will be available in the panel's Properties region. When this option is enabled, the right line of the view's graphic will be shown as a break line ().

The Layer Information dialog accessed by clicking the  button in the Properties panel when the layer stack legend is selected in the design space allows the editing of the layer stack legend's table data and graphics color/visibility.

  • Note that the initial data values are sourced from the project board design. Cell data can also be manually edited. However, once a cell has been manually edited, it will no longer be updated from the board data when using the Import Changes From <PCBDocumentName>.PcbDoc command.

  • Note that the layer stack display and information options define the structure and content of the layer stack legend placed in a Draftsman document and do not affect the board layer stack configuration that is defined in the source PCB document.

Option Description

Displays information for each layer in the design, the defaults being Material, Layer, Thickness, Dielectric Material, Type, and Gerber.

  • Use the Columns drop-down at the bottom of the dialog to control which columns are to be displayed.

  • Use checkboxes in the Visible column of the grid to toggle the visibility of any layer.

  • The Pattern column shows graphic patterns used to fill the sectioned view of layers. Use options in the Pattern region when a layer is selected to configure the pattern for this layer.

  • Fill – displays the pattern of the layer currently selected in the grid. Click the  button to open the Fill Style dialog, from where you can select the desired pattern and color (). The options provided are:

    • Pattern – the graphic pattern for the component profile fill. Select Solid fill or an ANSI pattern (ANSI 31 or ANSI 37) from the drop-down menu.

    • Color – displays the color of the pattern and its RGB code. Use the drop-down to specify the color.

    • Back Color – displays the color of the pattern background and its RGB code. Use the drop-down to specify the color.

    • Scale – the relative line spacing of the applied ANSI hatch pattern.

    • Rotation – the angle of the ANSI hatching lines, where a value of 0 is equivalent to 45°.

    • Hatch Thickness – the line weight of the ANSI pattern lines.

  • Use Default Color – enable to use the system-assigned color.

  • Name – displays the label applied to the total board thickness displayed in the view's table footer (if enabled). The default label is Total thickness, but can be renamed if desired.

  • Custom Value – enter a custom total board thickness value to replace the calculated thickness value.


Use the drop-down to enable or disable the checkbox next to entries to show/hide corresponding columns in the table.

  • Use the (Select All) entry in the Columns drop-down to show/hide all columns.

  • Enable Create New Column to add a new Column(x) to the table, where x is an incremented number for new columns created.

  • If required, you can include physical layer numbers (layer number assigned to that copper layer in the PCB editor's Layer Stack Manager) to the layer stack legend by enabling the # entry in the Columns drop-down ().

If you find an issue, select the text/image and pressCtrl + Enterto send us your feedback.

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