エクスポート オプション
The Export Options dialog showing the four variations of the dialog - the first: when using PARASOLID to access; the second: accessed through STEP 3D; the third: accessed through VRML; the fourth: accessed through an OutJob.
The Export Options dialog is used to configure what is to be included in your exports.
The dialog is accessed from the PCB Editor in the following ways:
- Click File » Export » PARASOLID then click Save in the resulting Export File dialog.
- Click File » Export » STEP 3D then click Save in the resulting Export File dialog.
- Click File » Export » VRML then click Save in the resulting Export File dialog.
- To configure an Output job:
- Click on an *.OutJob file in the Projects panel.
- Click [Add New Export Output] under Export Outputs.
- Choose Export STEP » [PCB Document].
- Double-click the resulting Export STEP entry in the Export Outputs region.
Board Options
- Export Folded Board - check this box to export a folded rigid-flex board. Use the Rate slider to define the amount of fold required, from flat (fold 0%), right through to fully folded (fold 100%).
- Skip Free 3D Bodies - enable to export without free 3D models.
- Export As Single Part - check to export the STEP file as a single part or as one model per component. When this option is enabled, the STEP file will be saved as a part and not as an assembly.
Components With 3D Bodies
Select an option as to which components to include in the exported file. The options are designed to offer a choice between full and limited detail in order to speed up the export process and reduce file size.
- Export All - select to export all components. This option is slower and increases the size of the exported file.
- Export Selected - select to export only the selected components. This option is faster and reduces the size of the exported file.
3D Bodies Export Options
The following options apply to components that have both extruded (simple) 3D bodies and STEP model 3D bodies assigned to them.
- Prefer simple bodies - select to export the extruded (simple) 3D body version of the component.
- Prefer generic 3D models - select to export the generic 3D body version.
- Export both - select to export both extruded and generic 3D body versions.
Copper Export Options
Use the following options to select your options for exporting copper.
- Export Without Copper - select to export without copper.
- Export Copper Only - select to only export copper.
- Export Selected Only - select to export only copper that is selected.
- Export By Layer - select to export copper by layer. Use the drop-down to select one of the following layers:
- Top Layer
- Mid-Layer 1
- Mid-Layer 2
- Bottom Layer
- Export All - select to export all.
Pad Holes
Use the following options to select which holes to include in the exported file. The options are designed to offer a choice between full and limited detail in order to speed up the export process and reduce file size.
- Export All - select to export all holes in the board. This option is slower and increases the size of the exported file.
- Export Selected - select to export only the holes that are selected. This option is faster and reduces the size of the exported file.
- Export Mechanical Component Pad Holes - check this box to export any mechanical component pad holes.
- Export Electrical Component Pad Holes - check this box to export any electrical component pad holes.
- Export Free Pad Holes - check this box to export any free pad holes.
Component Suffix
Use the following options to specify the suffix of the exported components.
- None - no suffix will be applied to components.
- Board file name - use generic 3D filename as the component suffix.
- Custom - select to customize the component suffix. Enter the custom suffix in the text box.